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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique for balancing the flow of energy life force of the body - called 'chi' or 'qi' energy. This is practiced with the use of needles inserted through a person's skin at specific points of the body called acupuncture points. There are various disorders treated with the use of acupuncture. There is also increased use of this method for treating pain and relief from discomfort.
Other treatments may include acupressure, cupping, electric or magnetic stimulation, or moxibustion.
The patient shall lie down on a padded table for the treatment. For the insertion of the needles, it shall be inserted through the skin in various depths, depending on the strategic points. These needles are very thin so the patient will not feel pain, but only some mild discomfort. Once it reaches the correct path, the patient might feel some mild aching sensation. The acupuncturist may swirl the needles after placement or apply heat or electrical pulses. The needles will remain in place for around 10 to 20 minutes.
Acupuncture has been used effectively for hundreds of years for a variety of diseases. This has also been used for relieving stress, back and joint pains, headaches, eyestrain, it may improve your immune system, relief from allergy, among others. However, we cannot provide a guarantee for the outcome of any