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Each Chakra (spinning wheel of energy) has its own colour, the colours of the rainbow. They are made up of universal energy and are the power centre of our life, There are many chakras all over our body but there are 7 main/major ones, they are located along the spine. They can be blocked, balanced or Overactive.
To function at their best
Each Chakra (spinning wheel of energy) has its own colour, the colours of the rainbow. They are made up of universal energy and are the power centre of our life, There are many chakras all over our body but there are 7 main/major ones, they are located along the spine. They can be blocked, balanced or Overactive.
To function at their best our chakras need to be balanced, if they get blocked or overactive we may experience physical or emotional symptoms, here is a very brief overview on each one so we can have an idea of your energy health.
Colour: RED
Location: Base of spine,
It provides us with a base/foundation for life, it helps us feel grounded and able to withstand challenges, it is responsible for our sense of security and stability.
Blocked Traits : Anxiety, fear, depression, lacking confidence, shy, no boundaries, avoids conflict, low energy.
Balanced Traits : Confident
Colour: RED
Location: Base of spine,
It provides us with a base/foundation for life, it helps us feel grounded and able to withstand challenges, it is responsible for our sense of security and stability.
Blocked Traits : Anxiety, fear, depression, lacking confidence, shy, no boundaries, avoids conflict, low energy.
Balanced Traits : Confident, grounded, responsible, fair, comfortable with healthy conflict, good boundaries, good energy and focused.
Overactive Traits : Egotistical, controling, angry, conflict prone, too high energy.
Colour: Orange
Location: Bellow the Belly Button
It is responsible for our sexual and creative energy. It is also related to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others.
Blocked Traits: Detachement, isolation, anxiety, loneliness, low labido, lack of creative inspiration.
Balanced Traits: Energy for creativity, movement
Colour: Orange
Location: Bellow the Belly Button
It is responsible for our sexual and creative energy. It is also related to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others.
Blocked Traits: Detachement, isolation, anxiety, loneliness, low labido, lack of creative inspiration.
Balanced Traits: Energy for creativity, movement, procreation, pleasure and healthy relationships, expressing your needs freely.
Overactive Traits: Overactive energy, overwhelming feelings of emotion, mood swings.
Colour: Yellow
Location: Above the Belly Button
It is responsible for our confidence and self esteem, will power as well as helping us feel control in your life, self discipline and independance.
Blocked Traits: Lack of control, purpose and identity in our life, self doubting and powerless, and helplessness.
Balanced Traits: Comfort in ident
Colour: Yellow
Location: Above the Belly Button
It is responsible for our confidence and self esteem, will power as well as helping us feel control in your life, self discipline and independance.
Blocked Traits: Lack of control, purpose and identity in our life, self doubting and powerless, and helplessness.
Balanced Traits: Comfort in identity, will power, confidence, personal power, overcome fear, master our thoughts and make conscious choices
Overactive Traits: Opinionated , dismissive of others, know it all, super confindent, prioritising productivity.
Colour: Green
Location: Chest
It is resposible for our ability to love and show compassion.
Blocked Traits: Depressed, feeling alone and isolated, no spiritual connection and closed off.
Balanced Traits: Connected with people and spiritually, empathetic, compationate, able to give and recieve love easily.
Overactive Traits: Give too much love
Colour: Green
Location: Chest
It is resposible for our ability to love and show compassion.
Blocked Traits: Depressed, feeling alone and isolated, no spiritual connection and closed off.
Balanced Traits: Connected with people and spiritually, empathetic, compationate, able to give and recieve love easily.
Overactive Traits: Give too much love without the ability to recieve, serveing others but not ourself and anger issues.
Colour: Blue
Location: Throat
It is responsible for our ability to communicate verbally and express feelings.
Blocked traits: Quiet voice, shy, inability to express feelings,
Balanced Traits: Able to express our truth and feelings freely, comfortable to speak up and influence people.
Overactive traits: Love our own voice, talk over people, Stand in the way of others space to speak.
Colour: Indigo
Location: Forehead
It is resposible for our intuition, gut instict and imagination.
Blocked Traits: Resistance to new ideas and Information, unwilling to learn new things, lack of access to our intuition
Balanced Traits: Open to learning new things, ask questions, ready for new information.
Overactive Traits: over thinking, taking learing too far, a need to know everything.
Colour: Violet
Location: Top of Head
It is responsible for our spiritual connection to ourself, others and the universe, It also plays a role in our life's purpose.
Blocked Traits: Closed off from spirit, not open to recieving guidance or messages. feel like nothing is working out for you.
Balanced Traits: we recognise synchronicities, we li
Colour: Violet
Location: Top of Head
It is responsible for our spiritual connection to ourself, others and the universe, It also plays a role in our life's purpose.
Blocked Traits: Closed off from spirit, not open to recieving guidance or messages. feel like nothing is working out for you.
Balanced Traits: we recognise synchronicities, we listen to guidance, gut feelings and trust in spirit and the universe.
Overactive Traits: Obsessing over tarot and sage burning and constant looking for answers or signs, ungrounded.
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