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A Holistic approach to Health involves bringing our Mind, Body and Soul into balance to create harmony and well-ness. , Many of us focus on the physical/mental part of our body, which is very important but its not the only part of us we should be keeping healthy, we need to understand the importance of the
Holistic health is more than just a new-age trend! we are just becoming more aware as a collective! we have been brainwashed and forgotten who we really are, its about living our life with content and happiness by bringing these 3 aspects into balance.
We have disconnected from our souls and we identify more with the ego as a survival mechanism in today's society and to avoid pain, we have lost touch with our true essence, which ultimately is causing our pain.
When we become disconnected from the root of who we are, an imbalance is created within our energy, this imbalance grows with time and each traumatic, unprocessed experience.
We ignore it because we can't see it and have been taught otherwise but we are starting to see the repercussions from the ignorance/lack of knowledge.
So here we are with this "new" trend, lets be trendy together and heal
Mind-Body-Soul = Your-Whole-Self
We can extend beyond the mind, body and soul our environment (Feng Sui), Finances, social activities, belongings, clothes, makeup style etc this is all an extension of us.
We have access to natures healing that can reverse and prevent dis-ease using the UNIVERSAL ENERGY all around us, and an awareness on how to create balance and harmony every day, with what we consume physically, mentally and energetically. A system of self care,
This natural energy is available to everyone for overall health eliminating toxicity and replenishing your mind, body and soul. Although certain medical conditions will need to be treated by a GP or specialist, Energy healing can enhance medical treatment or even prevent it, but in some cases we need instant relief of symptoms or emergency life saving treatment and that is where Allopathic medicine comes in, But ideally we want to prevent that.
To understand universal energy we need to think in terms of Energy, Vibrations and Frequencies. We might perceive that everything we can see and touch to be physical and material but it is actually waves of energy that vibrate at different frequencies.
Different frequencies creates a different form, this is also the case with our own body energy (our soul) including our thoughts and feelings, sounds and colours!
Some of us vibrate on a lower vibration which can present in negative personality traits and illness, others vibe higher and have more positive personality traits and wellness, this doesn't make one person better or above another we are all on our own learning path at different soul ages.
Our personality traits and physical ailments are an indication as to what areas of the CHAKRA system/energy body needs to be cleansed and balanced.
As we go through life we go through emotional and physical traumas, we need to learn how to work through these traumas to heal our energy instead of holding onto it and letting it weigh us down, keeping our vibration low, as we work through these feelings we will notice a difference in our lives,
We can all learn to lift our vibration with thoughts alone and there are lots of modalities to help you learn how to achieve this and live happier, healthier lives.
Using this universal energy we can balance our body's energy,
Our Chakra system is our body's energy system, there are 7 main Chakra's they are each a spinning wheel of different frequencies of energy starting from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head aligned throughout our torso.
They spin at different speeds and each have a different colour. Each of these energy wheels corresponds to different glands and organs as well as our consciousness, emotions, colours, sounds, bodily functions and more.
When our Chakra's are clear and balanced we experience wellness and ease. When they are blocked or out of balance we experience illness and dis-ease.
We can help clear and balance our Chakra's by keeping the flow of energy in our body.
if you imagine your energy is like a flowing river, if there is a blockage like a damn, the water stops flowing and becomes stagnant and becomes dark and murky, a breeding ground for disease, the same is with our energy in our bodies, we need to move and flow and flush out any collected unwanted energy and toxins and replenish it with vibrant fresh, clean energy. We can keep this flow with a regular routine of Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Qigong, Massage, Essential oils, Crystals, Breath-work, being in nature, consuming healthy foods and drinking plenty of water, positive thinking and many more.
It is like keeping a clean home, we can do a deep clean but it builds up again if we don't keep on top of it with a regular clean, we have regular cleaning routines for our homes, our body's needs this too.
Click below for an overview on each of the Chakras
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